Are you convinced that I can help you get rid off your complaints?

Then schedule an appointment below.

cindy zegers nei therapie

Schedule a healing

Cinshine offers three different products; Cinshine A, Cinshine B, and Cinshine C. Cinshine A consists of one energetic healing, Cinshine B consists of two energetic healings, Cinshine C consists of three energetic healings and a body scan.

There’s two different types of energetic healings. The first option is to do a healing on one specific physiological, emotional, or mental issue. The method for this is Neuro Emotional Integration. The second option is to do a chakra healing. Charka’s are energy centers that are spread vertically in the body. When there’s imbalances in one or multiple chakra’s, it tends to result in multiple health issues. For clients with multiple issues it can therefore be more interested to do a chakra healing. Are you not sure which type of product and/or energetic healing you need? Please send me a message!

As Cindy lives in different countries all healings are done remotely. Everything is energy and in energetic healings time and distance does not exist; hence, it will not affect the quality of the healing. As there is a time difference, it is possible to do healings while the client sleeps. This is ideal for people with a busy schedule or people who simply want to sleep during the healing.

If anything is still unclear, please look at the frequently asked questions below or contact me. Hopefully I can help you become the best and most healthy version of yourself!

cindy zegers nei therapie

Cinshine A

€229 including tax

cindy nei sessie

Cinshine B

€449 including tax

cindy zegers

Cinshine C

€649 including tax

Frequently asked questions

A consultation lasts 1.5-2 hours and several blockages are then removed from the energy field.

This varies per person. Every person is different and some are more open than others. With some clients I can get straight to the core during the first consultation, while with others the problem needs to be tackled in layers. It is an interaction between client and therapist and the more trust the client has in the therapist, the more effective the treatment. In addition, it is also important that the client takes enough rest in the days after the consultation, so that the body can optimally release all the emotional blockages that have been integrated and disconnected during the consultation. Personally, I would be surprised if more than 3 treatments are needed for a specific complaint.

No, this is not necessary. You do not have to be spiritual or have experience with energetic work to experience the effect of NEI therapy. NEI therapy is a very practical form of energetic work and does not require spiritual knowledge.

Yes, NEI therapy is suitable for everyone. Children and babies often experience the desired results quicker than adults, because they develop faster.

After a consultation, you may feel more tired and/or more emotional than usual for 3-4 days. This is completely normal and indicates that your body is releasing the emotional blockages. To ensure the emotional blockages’ optimal removal, commit yourself to taking rest and do not take more tasks than you can physically or mentally handle. After a week there is often a noticeable difference, provided the body has released everything properly. In some cases, e.g. deeper themes or life long issues, the period in which your body releases everything might be longer than 3-4 days. Because NEI therapy stimulates healing at a deep level, it is important that there is sufficient time between successive sessions (if multiple sessions are needed for a complaint).

Yes, this is possible. When booking a consultation, I also ask for medical information in order to provide the most targeted treatment possible. If in doubt, it is advisable to contact me before booking a consultation.

Absolutely. NEI therapy can be a very useful addition, because it focuses on the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind often contains many more insights into certain beliefs and behavioral patterns than we can reason with our conscious mind. In NEI therapy, we bring those to the surface and remove them from your energy field. I even have multiple clients who have been referred to me by a psychologist. Because 95% of the behaviour and belief systems is controlled by the subconscious mind, it is often more effective to make changes there.

This is certainly possible. It is often the case that a complaint starts small but increasingly throws the body out of balance until you no longer know where to start. I have various models I can use to ascertain the most effective treatment for your body and mind at any giving time. It is often the case that removing blockages not only addresses a specific complaint but also offers improvement in other areas, because everything is interconnected.

No, this is not necessary. No one can remember exactly all the emotions from his/her entire life. It is also not necessary to feel anything during a consultation. Some clients do experience something; for example, they feel dizzy, cold, hot, emotional, etc. Even if you don’t feel anything during a consultation, there’s always an effect on the energetic level.